Restarting Provisioning
When you perform any of the following operations that results in a change of information on this site only, the change will not be recognized by Microsoft Entra ID. This means that the change of information on this site will not be synchronized with Microsoft Entra ID by normal provisioning.
To synchronize the change of information of Microsoft Entra ID to this site, you need to perform a manual update or "Restart provisioning".
Removal of a user linked to Microsoft Entra ID from their group linked to Microsoft Entra ID as occurring on this site.
Change of information for a user or group linked to Microsoft Entra ID as occurring on this site.
Before restarting provisioning, ensure that removal of a user or group on Microsoft Entra ID has been synchronized with this site. If provisioning is restarted before synchronization, the user or group would not be removed from this site. In such a case, manually remove the user or group.
When you perform the following operation, the change of information will not be synchronized by "Restart provisioning". If the change of information is different between this site and Microsoft Entra ID, you need to perform a manual update.
The addition of a user linked to Microsoft Entra ID to a group linked to Microsoft Entra ID as occurring on this site.
Click [Restart provisioning].